Mashup Rock & Roll Musical: Previous Shows
The Little Prince
And the Man From Mars

Sometime in the future, after the almost end of the world, a group of castaways band together for survival, making a home in an abandoned train depot. To pass the time they tell stories about the the Little Prince and the Man From Mars, two spectacular alien beings who crashed to Earth and experienced the best and worst of humanity. Featuring music from Prince and David Bowie, the story is a twisted reimagining of the revered Antoine de Saint-Exupery novella, The Little Prince, and the cult classic Bowie film, The Man Who Fell to Earth.

From our ASL Interpreter:
“It was truly an honor to work with your troupe last night. Thank you so much for providing a service so many people refuse. Also, thanks for taking the time to include a part that was relevant to the Deaf community, that used actors who were passionate and committed to truly learning the signs. There was a deepness in the way you guys did this that was culturally appropriate, unique, and fun.”